Q: Who runs this blog?

My name's Sophie, and you can find out more about me on the About page.

I started Psychic Damage because I wanted to blog about playful reality TV with a focus on Dutch and Belgian formats . My hope is to become a subject matter expert, particularly from a game designer's perspective, and connect with superfans around the world. 

Q: Where can I watch X show online?

It depends on the show and what country you're in, but some episodes can be found on YouTube (or other streaming sites). For links and international subtitles, I recommend looking for a Reddit or Discord community and going from there.

Q: Are there spoilers on this blog?

Yes! I will talk spoilers, but I'll always try to give readers a fair warning when I do. 

Q: What does "psychic damage" mean?

It's a concept from social psychology that is also a D&D term and internet meme. I chose it because it aptly describes what reality game show contestants tend to endure.

Q: How can I support your work?

Psychic Damage is 100% free, but you can either buy me a coffee or subscribe to my monthly roundup posts via Substack to support independent blogging!

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